Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Important facts about baldness

Baldness involves the state of lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or ‘male pattern baldness’ that occurs in adult males. Here are some important facts about baldness that can help you become better acquainted with this condition.

One out of ten men worldwide suffers some amount of hair loss by the age of 50. Male pattern hair loss is the reason for most cases of baldness in men. Currently there is no cure for baldness but it can be treated with medications and products that claim to prevent hair loss. Medications like Propecia finasteride and vitamins such as vitamin B complex can help maintain a healthy head of hair because of the role they play in hair growth.

Follicle destruction, rather than hair damage, is the cause of permanent baldness. Losing about 50-100 hairs everyday is perfectly normal. Baldness occurs when the lost hair is not replaced naturally. A person needs to lose about 100,000 scalp hairs in order to go totally bald. Baldness caused by sudden weight loss, chemotherapy, physiological or psychological stress, surgery or illness is usually temporary in nature.

Pattern hair loss in both men and women is a genetic condition that can be inherited from either parent. Pattern hair loss is caused due to high levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) converted from testosterone within the hair follicle. No treatment is available for baldness that has been caused by damage to the hair follicle. In such cases, even hair transplantation does not prove to be effective because of a lack of donor hair.

Baldness, a life-changing matter in many ways, can also be an indicator of an undetected medical condition. It can lead to physiological and psychological stress and significantly change the way you perceive yourself and the way others perceive you. There are a few anti-hair loss products that inhibit the production of DHT and rejuvenate damaged hair follicles. These products can be used as preventive tools to block further hair loss.


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