Monday, 11 January 2010

2009 Male hair loss statistics in the UK

The latest 2009 male hair loss figures available in the UK suggest that male pattern hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is increasingly affecting men at a much younger age than before. These figures also show that men worry the most about hair loss and seek hair loss remedies around age 30. Statistics have reported that hair loss affects a large number of men between the ages of 21-30. However, it is only at the age of 30 that most men feel the need to do something about it. The number of hair loss patients gradually decrease with age.

These statistics indicate the fact that the number of men affected by this hereditary hair loss condition is growing, while the average age at which men usually experience hair loss is going down. Until very recently, male pattern hair loss was largely thought to affect middle-aged men. It was previously thought that two-thirds of men in the UK will be afflicted by some amount of hair loss by the age of 40. The latest statistics, however, suggest that the problem now occurs at a much younger age.

There could be a multitude of reasons for this dramatic drop in age, apart from the genetic factors. The early twenties are typically accompanied by stress and pressure related to study, careers, shifting from one place to another, etc. If you are genetically predisposed to male pattern hair loss, these stressors could trigger off the early onset of this medical condition. Most young sufferers of male pattern hair loss are unable or unwilling to admit to this condition, and that is the single biggest factor that prevents them from seeking timely treatment.

Greater availability of relevant information as well as better treatment options like Propecia finasteride, however, have encouraged many young hair loss sufferers to search for a solution to this embarrassing condition.


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