Monday, 4 January 2010

Head Lice - Is Your Child Suffering With Them Eating Their Scalp

Have you ever seen your child rubbing his/her scalp quite often? Or else possibly you've heard of an infestation of head lice at their school? You can probably discover if your son/daughter has head lice by putting into practice some easy evaluation at home.

The simplest way to notice head lice is by noticing their eggs on your child's hair. Lice eggs are also sometimes known as nits. Head lice will lay these eggs on your child's hair shaft close to the scalp. This is why a head check requires looking at your child's scalp. Before the baby lice hatch, nits look clear, tan, yellow or brown. Once the louse has hatched, the part that is left will remain glued to your child's hair shaft. This is the simplest thing to observe, as they are whitish, and resembles like dandruff. The main difference between dandruff and head lice eggs is dandruff is easily shaken from the hair shaft, while lice eggs are fused to the shaft.

Sometimes you will be able to easily identify head lice, especially if your child's hair is short. A lot of parents understand that their little ones are infected when they see the lice climbing through their children's hair.
Lyclear Repellent
Of course, Head scratching is an additional indication of head lice infestation. In saying that not all children find head lice to be irritating. Also, scratching their scalp might be an indication of other troubles, such as dandruff. The itching from nits is usually compared to a tickle, or the feeling of something crawling on the scalp.

Children who have thin-skinned scalps, and spend a lot of time scraping there head due to the head lice will regularly develop a rash on their scalp. Head lice rash will appear as a red bump on the base of the scalp. It might sometimes turn into a more serious infection that needs antibiotics.

If you think your child may be suffering from head lice, part their hair and observe the bottom of the hair strands for the nits. Pay more attention to the areas of scalp around the ears and neck. If you find it a struggle to focus up close, you might want to try a magnifying glass. It is also advised to do the lice checking in bright light.

If you find nothing, but the scratching does not go away, it is recommended to see the doctor. Conversely, if there is constant scratching, and you've heard of an infestation at school, you probably can be sure that the cause is head lice.

To cure head lice you can buy Lyclear, an effective treatment for head lice from any leading Pharmacy Online. Make sure you follow the application guidelines, because improper use will not kill all of the lice. You will also need to thoroughly comb your child's hair with a fine tooth comb to remove any nits that are not eliminated.


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