Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Trying To Get Pregnant Tips - 4 Fantastic Tips That Are Both Effective & Enjoyable!

Pregnancy is a period in any woman's life during which she is arguable the most elated, animated, excited, expectant, and radiant! But all of these feeling and emotions are the reverse if you have been diagnosed as being infertile. Infertility is a condition that affects quite a number of people worldwide and is common today. However, there is still hope even if you have been trying to conceive without success. The aim of this article is to show you four tips that you can use to achieve conception if you are trying to get pregnant.

#1 Tip - Use Pillows…

During intercourse, you should tell your partner to place two pillows underneath your hips so that your hips are tilted upwards. The reason for this is to aid the sperm descend to the area where fertilization can occur by keeping the sperm inside your vagina without allowing it exit prematurely. You should also utilize the "missionary" sex position during intercourse.

#2 Tip - "Missionary" Style…

This sex position got its name from the fact that it is one of the most common sex positions known to man. So much so that it became christened the "missionary" style or position due to its "uninspiring" or boring nature. Well, uninspiring or not, it is one of the most effective positions of intercourse when trying to conceive and the excitement of conception will more than make up for its boring nature. What this position does is to place you in the most possible place for fertilization. Once your partner begins to ejaculate, you should remain immobile.

#3 Tip - Immobile Ejaculation…

The reason why you should try to remain immobile once your partner begins to ejaculate is so that deep penetration is made possible. Once ejaculation is complete, he should quickly but gently exit while you should try to remain immobile for up to two hours.

#4 Tip - Pillows, Again!...

Yep, you need 'em pillows this season. You should use pillows to keep your hips elevated to allow time for the sperm to descend with the aid of gravity into a region where conception is easier. Many couples have reported that they became pregnant after only a few months applying this method compared to the many months of having sex normally and without concern for this tip.


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