Stephen LambertThe cure for Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) has been something that man has been searching for for literally hundreds and hundreds of years. Rumour has it that Julius Ceasar was so ashamed of his thinning thatch that he asked the made the Senate pass a law allowing him to wear a wreath around his head so as to not show his balding head.
Male Pattern Baldness is the term given to the genetic condition that is the main cause of hair loss in men. This takes place due to a hormone called Dht, which is produced by testosterone and thus affects males more than females and why such a condition only usually starts after the late teens at earliest.
DHT attacks the hair follicles and shrinks them gradually until they fall out. Interestingly, follicles at the sides and back of the head are generally resistant to this process and remain for life.
Due to the enormous market of people seeking to regain their original locks there are many, many products claiming to be able to stimulate regrowth and to be a cure for male pattern baldness.
In reality only Minoxidil and Finasteride have been medically approved by the FDA in the US, to combat MPB.
Minoxidil stimulates blood flow to follicles and this is believed to encourage growth.
Finasteride has been around for the past decade and gets right to the heart of the problem of Dht. It disrupts the production of Dht and has been found to halt further thinning and encourage new growth.
Success rates for both are unpredictable and won't be known until one actually uses these products and any benefits will be lost if you discontinue taking them.
So, to answer the question is there a male pattern baldness cure and does it work, it depends on what one defines as a 'cure'. If it refers to growing a brand new mane on a completely bald head, then no. If it means being able to halt further loss and thinning, and potentially add thickness then yes, potentially.
My name is Stephen and I have had thinning hair for the past 10 years. If you would like to see me completely gain a full head of hair cosmetically using IH thickener microfibers visit the link below.
Thinning-Hair-Thickener Or contact me, Stephen, personally.
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