Trent OmandToday I wanted to talk to you about how to prevent baldness and regain hair loss. So what is the secret to preventing baldness? Its simple early action, the longer you wait to do something to stop your receding hairline the more difficult it becomes. By taking early action when you first notice thinning hair, you can stop the thinning and regain hair loss.
Genetic hair loss or androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of baldness plaguing both men and women today, so its this type of baldness or thinning we are going to try to address today.
I spoke earlier about the need for speed, you must take action sooner rather then later in order to have the best possible chance of ensuring any baldness treatments work for you. By the way not all treatments are created equal, cheaper isn't always better, but then more expensive doesn't always mean better either. You should understand that even the best hair loss products or treatments couldn't promise you 100% of the time that you'll grow new hair. So how do you decide on what approach or product to use to help you prevent further loss and re-grow some of your hair.
In order to have the very best chance to regain hair loss, these are the things I believe you must look for in the best hair loss products:
1. DHT or dihydrotestosterone blockers-The use of powerful DHT blocking herbs and vitamins in oral form is a very critical step in helping you to prevent baldness. Look for baldness treatments that offer supplements containing these powerful DHT blockers: Saw Palmetto, Azelaic Acid, and Nettle Root Extract. These natural ingredients help block and lower the production of DHT in your body, the nasty hormone that's the cause of your genetic hair loss.
2. Natural Herbs and Vitamins-Essential to both your hair and your body in general, oral supplements containing these vitamins and herbs combined with the DHT blockers above are a powerful combination towards growing new healthy hair. Some of the vitamins, herbs and minerals include: vitamin B6, Biotin, Zinc, Magnesium, horsetail plant, Pumpkin seed extract, just to name a few.
3. Ensure The Follicles Receive "hair-friendly" BloodHow do you ensure your follicles receive "hair-friendly" blood? By the use of Minoxidil a clinically proven and FDA approved medication for the re-growth of hair. There is no conclusive evidence why Minoxidil helps re-grow hair, but the facts of clinical trials prove that it does. It is believed Minoxidil increases the blood supply to areas were it's applied, this in turn increases the nutrients and vitamins delivered to your hair follicles. The end result is the prevention of hair loss, and in many cases the re-growth of new healthy hair. For men the clinical solution is generally 5% and for women a 2% solution is considered to be optimal.
In conclusion, for the best possible results in treating your thinning hair, quick affirmative action is necessary. Failure to act quickly may leave you with limited, expensive and sometimes-painful treatment options. Don't you owe it to yourself to look and feel your best? Remember in your search for a baldness solution, there are hundreds of products on the market today from shampoos and conditioners, to creams and foams, most of these products don't live up to your expectations and are truly a waste of your money and time.
If you would like more information on what a natural hair re-growth product can do for you and to purchase Provillus prevent baldness and
regain hair loss I urge you to visit my website today and watch the short video I have there for you.
Trent Omand is an ex Emergency Medical Technician and a dedicated expert of natural health care solutions and issues affecting both men and women. To purchase Provillus this highly effective natural hair loss remedy, check out his website at and see for yourself what a natural remedy solution can do for you. You have nothing to lose and hair to gain!
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