Peter AlbertsonThere are tens of millions or possibly even hundreds of millions of men in the US searching for a baldness cure. It is estimated that around 50 percent of men will suffer some form of balding and most of them will hate it. For this reason baldness cures, particularly on the Internet, are big business. But how do you go about finding a genuine cure for baldness?
Baldness cures of any type are not cheap. For this reason the market for hair loss treatments is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and where there is a market that size there will be many many products available. However that does not mean that they all work or even that they are all safe for anyone to use.
The Internet is unregulated. Anyone can design a website and sell a baldness cure without any requirement that it be demonstrated to work or that it be demonstrated to be safe to use. On the internet it's a serious case of buyer beware.
It's very easy to get ripped off buying baldness cures on the Internet. Not only is there a fair chance they will not reverse your hair loss there is also a likelihood that they may be harmful to your health and to your wallet. Does this mean that you should forget about regrowing your hair?
Not at all. We have an organization whose job it is to regulate these things. The FDA has approved two products to use as men's hair loss treatments. Both these products have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the FDA to work to counter male balding, including in cases of male pattern baldness, because that causes over 90 percent of men's balding.
It is fair to assume that where the FDA has approved a product as a men's hair loss treatment that there is sufficient evidence, in the form of proper scientific studies, that these products work to reverse hair loss. However it is also true that these products will not work as a cure for baldness for every man suffering from male pattern balding. It is too much to expect any product to work for everybody.
These 2 baldness cures are finasteride, marketed as Propecia, and minoxidil. Only minoxidil is approved to use as a baldness cure for women because finasteride has been shown to have serious side effects when used by women. Finasteride can also have some side effects when used as a hair loss treatment by men including loss of libido.
Minoxidil is the only hair loss product approved for use by men and women. It is thought to operate to restore hair growth by improving the blood flow to the hair follicle thereby improving the availability of nutrients to the follicle. As lack of nutrients is the reason why a hair dies in cases of male pattern baldness this makes complete sense.
One company has seen a way to improve the results that you may expect. If minoxidil improves the flow of blood to the hair follicle to make more nutrients available, then if those nutrients are supplied in optimum quantities then this will maximize the chances of optimum hair regrowth.
This product seems to work more effectively than simply using minoxidil on its own.
Remember, whilst there may be dozens or hundreds of baldness cures on the Internet, none of them are approved by the FDA except for finasteride and minoxidil. Minoxidil alone is approved for both men and women.
Visit my website to find out more about a product that combines minoxidil with a range of essential hair nutrients to increase the likelihood of hair regrowth.
Want to find out more about the best
Hair Loss Treatment? Or more about the risks of
Baldness Cures? Visit Peter's Website Hair 2 Wear.
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