Hair loss
Hair growth in humans is always unstable which means while some of the hair grows that time remaining hairs remains in resting stage. For a person who is not losing his hairs, about 90% of the hairs on his head are in a 2-7 years growing phase. The remaining 10% are in a phase of experiencing a 2-4 month resting phase. As one hair sheds, a new one replaces it. This is a process which repeats itself over and over again for many years in most of the people.
Problem of
hair loss occurs when this continues process becomes skewed. Instead of the increment in re-growth rate of hairs faster than the shed rate, it decreases, thus, in result to this shedding exceeds the rate of re-growth.
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a kind of hormone. Presence of this hormone is directly linked with hair loss. DHT hormone is formed when testosterone and 5-alpha-reductase merge. This excess of DHT leads to follicles that grow back shorter and thinner. After some time, this DHT imbalance leads to
Reason behind DHT imbalance is believed to be caused by genetics or an underlying medical condition.
Some of the reasons behind hair loss are:
1. Improper Nutrition supply in body
2. Different Medications
3. Hair damaging products
4. Heavy medical treatments
Scalp Disease or Infection
6. Disease
Most of these can be treatable with a variety of products that are available at various shops according to prescription. It is advised to consult the doctor to help diagnose the problem.
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