Bar Refaeli is a famous Israeli fashion icon and modeling star. Bar Refaeli is better known for her dating with Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCarpio, actor famous for Baywatch. Bar Refaeli has been dating steadily with Leonardo since November 2005. In 2007, Bar Refaeli traveled to Israel along with Leonardo where they had visited Israeli President and her hometown. Bar Refaeli has been involved in a controversy about evading compulsory military training and service. For quite some, Israeli people had boycotted goods and products for which Bar Refaeli was the brand celebrity.
Bar Refaeli is known as the model for surfing suits and swimsuits. Majority of the people are not used to seeing Bar Refaeli in stylish clothes and hairstyles. Nevertheless, Bar Refaeli has proved with her cutest and sexy Sedu hairstyles that she can look great even with clothes on and by wearing stunning hairstyles. Bar Refaeli prefers mid length and straight down hairstyle with classic highlights. Occasionally, one can spot bar Refaeli wearing short pixie cut and blonde bobs. On this website, we have a large photo gallery of Bar Refaeli Haircut Style Pictures.

Celebrity Hairstyles Bar Refaeli Haircut Styles Pictures
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