Severely Matted And Tangled Hair Have Become New Causes of Hair Loss And Baldness In Women.
For most women, severely tangled hair was not an issue of concern until they experienced hair loss and pre-mature balding.
"Women call us in fear, depressed with tears, self blame and loss of self esteem because they have been concealing knots or clumps of matted hair –i.e. ‘birds nest’ in their hair for weeks and they don’t want to go bald”
Internationally for most women hair represents a very essential part of their overall appearance. It is to be praised and emulated. But for an increasing number of women, unexpected hair loss and balding has been triggered early due to incidents with unsympathetically matted and tangled hair.
A Survey conducted by Optima Hair Specialists in Birmingham, UK has revealed that 47 per cent of hair loss sufferers would spend their life savings to regain a full head of hair. Also the survey revealed that 46 per cent of hair loss sufferers questioned started losing their hair between the ages of 18 and 25. 45 per cent of people stated that their social life has been severely damaged due to their hair loss and 72 per cent of sufferers say that they are often perceived as much older than they actually are.
Although matted or tangled hair can be caused by illnesses, hospitalizations, improper removal of braids, hair extensions, un-healthy hair maintenance, improper use of hair products as perms, dyes, gels, relaxers and sprays-women cannot allow their hair to remain in a matted/tangled state for too long.
When a women’s hair becomes seriously tangled or matted, they become so scared because they do not want to cut their hair. Unfortunately they allow their hair to stay this way for weeks at a time-only for their hair to get worse. This will begin to affect the hair follicles-which can lead to Alopecia.”
Alopecia areata is characterized by hair falling out, resulting in smooth, round patches on the scalp. In some cases, alopecia areata can cause the complete loss of scalp and body hair. The condition is most common in people under 30. Baldness occurs by a gradual shrinking of the follicle that produces the hair.
"It's easier to stop losing hair, than to replace hair that's gone," says Dr. Richard Strick, a dermatologist and UCLA clinical professor of dermatology. "Once the follicle has shut down it's difficult, sometimes impossible, to re-stimulate.""Women's hair loss is much more common than most people realize," according to Alan J. Bauman, M.D., a leading U.S. hair restoration physician. Women have a 35-percent chance of experiencing hair loss by age 50, but the condition can occur anytime after puberty.
According to Dr. Bauman of Bauman Medical Group in Boca Raton, Florida, a top U.S. expert on female hair loss who's treated hundreds of women over the last 10 years, the top seven health factors commonly associated with female hair loss are:
(1) MENOPAUSE - Hair thinning is a common complaint of women undergoing menopause. The condition coincides with a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones.
(2) POST-PREGNANCY - During pregnancy, a woman's hair grows faster and feels more luxurious thanks to increases in hormones which keep a higher than normal number follicles in a growth phase. However, after giving birth, the sudden drop in hormones often causes shedding and thinning as the ratio of growing/resting follicles returns to normal.
(3) CRASH DIETING - Unhealthy dieting and/or rapid weight loss may cause hair follicles to go into "shock," resulting in increased shedding and a loss of volume that may last for months - or, in some cases, indefinitely - even after a healthy diet is resumed.
(4) TRACTION ALOPECIA - Over time, certain hairstyles (e.g. tight braiding) and hair extensions can traumatize follicles and lead to permanent bald spots in the scalp, a condition known as "traction alopecia."
(5) TRICHOTILLOMANIA - Compulsive hair-pulling, or trichotillomania, can also lead to permanent bald spots in the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes.
(6) PLASTIC SURGERY - Browlifts and facelifts can alter the appearance of the frontal hairline and may lead to both decreased hair density and scarring in those areas.
(7) STRESS - Severe emotional stress and trauma can also take a toll on the body, often leading to excessive shedding and thinning that can last for weeks.
The best way women can prevent tangled or matted hair is to change their natural hair care regimens even if they wear hairstyles that include added hair extensions.
We provide many solutions to tangled or hardheartedly matted hair and we have been very successful at it. However, we recommend that “as with almost any type of illness, hair loss and baldness can be prevented if resolved early enough." "The key is not to deny or blame yourself for the problem your hair is in, but solve it by saving your hair."
Tangled Hair Techs are the leading experts trained in the Technique of Take Down Removal System of de-tangling severely matted hair, dreadlocks, tangled hair clumps, and “Birds Nests” Syndrome. Their mission is to save hair and preserve your God given beauty.
Consumer Demand For Hair Extensions, Braids, Dreadlocks Increase Hair Loss In Women
Braids, Hair Extensions and Dreadlocks have become the latest trend in hair styling and growing in popularity. Improper removal of these hair styles have increased hair loss and hair thinning, according to Tangled Hair Techs of New York.
Although braids, hair extensions and dreadlocks seem to be the latest trend, they actually date back to 4th Century B.C. with the Egyptians, and have continued to grow strong ever since then.
Tangled Hair Techs are the leading experts trained in the Technique of Take Down Removal System of de-tangling severely matted hair, dreadlocks, tangled hair clumps, and “Birds Nests” Syndrome. Their mission is to save hair and preserve your God given beauty.
Consumer Demand For Hair Extensions, Braids, Dreadlocks Increase Hair Loss In Women
Braids, Hair Extensions and Dreadlocks have become the latest trend in hair styling and growing in popularity. Improper removal of these hair styles have increased hair loss and hair thinning, according to Tangled Hair Techs of New York.
Although braids, hair extensions and dreadlocks seem to be the latest trend, they actually date back to 4th Century B.C. with the Egyptians, and have continued to grow strong ever since then.
The experts at Tangled Hair Techs believe these styles are more like a hidden conspiracy, which Beyonce and other celebrities have brought out into the open. Tangled Hair Techs are trained in the safest and easiest hair extension, braid, dreadlock removal system.
"As consumer demand for braids, dreadlocks and hair extensions has grown, clients have become less knowledgeable about the methods of proper removal processes," says Sheila Smith, Lead Educator. "Paris Hilton has her own hair extension line of products that don’t provide an effective Removal System for the hair.
"Some hair extension, braid or dreadlock methods can last in the hair for 4 months, and up to two years. Clients try to remove these hairstyles with homemade remedies, which cause serious damage, hair loss, and in some cases severely tangled or matted hair.
“When a women’s hair becomes seriously tangled or matted, they become so scared because they don’t want to cut their hair. Unfortunately they allow their hair to stay this way for weeks at a time-only for their hair to get worse. This will begin to affect the hair follicles-which can lead to Alopecia.” According to Tangled Hair Techs, Take Down Remover trained experts in the technique of removal, de-tangling and restoration.
“When a women’s hair becomes seriously tangled or matted, they become so scared because they don’t want to cut their hair. Unfortunately they allow their hair to stay this way for weeks at a time-only for their hair to get worse. This will begin to affect the hair follicles-which can lead to Alopecia.” According to Tangled Hair Techs, Take Down Remover trained experts in the technique of removal, de-tangling and restoration.
“Women's hair loss is much more common than most people realize," According to Dr. Bauman of Bauman Medical Group in Boca Raton, Florida, a top U.S. expert on female hair loss who's treated hundreds of women over the last 10 years, a leading U.S. hair restoration physician. Women have a 35-percent chance of experiencing hair loss by age 50, but the condition can occur anytime after puberty.
The need for effective human hair extension, braid and dreadlock removal has grown enormously because nearly one out of every three women worldwide suffers from some sort of hair loss, as well as the emotional distress that it causes.
Tangled Hair Techs provide specialty extension removal services for:
(A) anyone who cannot grow their hair for any reason;
(B) people with thin and fine hair;
(C) bad haircut or destruction during color processes and/or highlights;
(D) people with mild alopecia; and
(E) cancer survivors growing out their hair.
We are the leading experts trained in the technique of Take Down Removal System of de-tangling severely matted hair, dreadlocks, tangled hair clumps, and “Birds Nests” Syndrome.
We are pioneers in the development of tangled hair removal services and training.
In addition, Take Down Products Inc. is the first company to offer hair extension, braid, dreadlock and matted or tangled hair removal training classes worldwide. They are the only company that has revolutionized the industry by mastering more than 20 different braid, hair extension and dreadlock removal techniques. Learn about the art of hair extensions, braid and dreadlock removal at: http://www.takedownproducts.com/.
If your hair looks like any these pictures, you need to call us immediately.
Even if everyone, including your favorite hair dresser/stylist has told you to "cut your hair.......it's hopeless."
Call 206-600-3036. globalbeautyaction@yahoo.com
or email now. Don't wait another second!
Our specialty and focus is on removing and detangling:
severely matted and tangled hair,
dreadlocks, dreads
matted braids, microbraids, and cornrows
tangled hair extensions,
matted"bird's nest" clump,
tangled knots,
clumps of tangles.
bonding glue clumps
matted fusion extensions, keratin fusion
We want to save your hair, cutting your hair is not an option!
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