Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Hair Loss Symptom: How to Recognize the Signs

Most people wouldn't want to have hair loss. Regardless of whether they admit it or not, a balding head greatly affects their self-esteem. You could take note of some symptoms if you're worried about possibly suffering from hair loss. Do remember though that a hair loss symptom will depend on the kind of hair loss condition you have.

Androgenetic Alopecia

95% of individuals who suffer from hair loss are known to have androgenetic alopecia. In this condition, it is the genes and hormones that are responsible for whatever hair loss symptom there is.

Hair Loss for Men - Among men, this condition may first be noticed in a thinning of the temple hair strands and a receding hair line. Eventually the most evident hair loss symptom will be the gradual formation of a horseshoe pattern. Men will develop a bald top area with hair remaining only at the back of the head and a little on the temples.

Hair Loss for Women - The hair loss symptom of women with the same condition is a little different. Women do not end up with bald patches or a bald top. The normal hair loss symptom is an overall diffuse thinning of the hair. Women will appear to have thinner hair with scalp areas becoming obvious through the remaining thin hair strands.

Alopecia Aratea

Alopecia Aratea is another cause for hair loss, albeit not as common as androgenetic alopecia. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system inexplicably attacks the hair follicles resulting in the loss of hair. The main hair loss symptom of this condition is the appearance of round patches or areas in the scalp without hair while the rest of the scalp may retain hair strands.

Telogen Effluvium

Hair Loss and Stress - This hair loss condition is believed to occur most among people who are subjected to a lot of physical, emotional or mental stress. In this condition, the hair loss symptom is a general increase in hair shedding. This happens because a lot of hair strands suddenly shift from the growing to the resting phase and fall off in approximately 3 months or so.

Traction Alopecia

Tight Hairstyles - This is the type of hair loss that is primarily caused by hairstyles that are too tight. These styles include braids, corn rolls and ponytails. When the hair is bound too tightly, the strands may get uprooted resulting in a hair loss symptom of small areas or without hair. The problem here is that if the damage is extensive, the scalp may begin to heal and the damage may eventually develop into scar tissue. This makes hair rehabilitation and further hair growth difficult, if not, impossible.


Vitamin Deficiency - A hair loss symptom may also be obvious under other conditions or situations aside from those mentioned above. It has been discovered for example that individuals who are deficient in some vitamins and minerals like biotin, iron and vitamin B6 may suffer from hair loss.

Cancer Medication - In some cases, an obvious hair loss symptom may be noticed if a person is under medications like blood thinners, steroids and cancer medicines. A person could also suffer from hair loss due to very severe illness like thyroid disease, severe anemia, severe infection and lupus.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Hair Loss Remedies - Conquering Hair Loss in Natural Way

What Causes Hair Loss?

Many people suffer from hair loss - and there are several causes for hair loss. Alopecia is the general word that is used to refer to any type of hair loss. The most common type of hair loss is male or female pattern baldness - or androgenetic Alopecia - which is caused by genetics. A number of other circumstances - from environmental to medical can also cause hair loss.

Before you begin any treatment regimen, you should consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of your hair loss. Hair loss is a common symptom for hundreds of medical conditions - and determining whether or not your hair loss is a symptom of a medical condition will determine the route you need to take - your medical condition will need to be taken care of before treatment for hair loss. Knowing the cause of the hair loss is the first step to finding a successful hair loss remedy.

Hair Loss Remedies

Once you have determined the cause of your hair loss, you will find there are a variety of hair loss remedies - some natural, some medical, and some cosmetic. Your dermatologist can help you find the right solution. Over the past few years, medical treatment of hair loss has grown tremendously - in some cases, learning what causes the hair loss enables drugs to be made that can stop the hair loss before it happens.

Drug-related hair loss remedies do not work for everyone and the success of this type of hair loss treatment depends on the reason for the hair loss. Cosmetic remedies have also become a popular way for people to combat hair loss - and is sometimes an option for people who are not successful with other types of hair loss remedies. But, cosmetic hair replacement can be quite expensive.

Many people have found natural remedies for hair loss. The premise behind natural hair loss remedies is that hair loss is a natural condition and can, in some cases, be dramatically decreased by using natural remedies. There are many types of natural hair loss remedies including exercise to increase blood flow, massaging the scalp, and herbal hair loss remedies, which involve the use of natural herbs.

Herbal Remedies For Hair Loss

There are many types of herbal remedies for hair loss - some are used to stimulate hair growth and others are used to keep the hair and the scalp healthy in order to prevent hair loss. Let's explore some of these natural hair loss remedies.

1. Henna can be used to condition and maintain healthy hair - thus, decreasing the chances of hair loss. Henna is a traditional herb that has been used for a number of years to maintain healthy hair.

2. Aloe Vera is another traditional herb that has been used effectively in the prevention of hair loss. Native Americans, as well as people in the Caribbean and India have used Aloe Vera to maintain healthy hair and prevent hair loss. Combined with wheat germ oil and coconut milk, Aloe Vera can be made into a shampoo that cleanses and heals the scalp.

3. Jojoba Oil is an herbal remedy for hair loss that has been used successfully in people who suffer from skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and has been used successfully in the treatment of dandruff.

4. Aromatherapists use lavender and bay essential oils to massage the scalp and stimulate hair growth.

5. Horsetail can be used to stimulate hair follicles. This herb can be used to help conquer pattern baldness by strengthening weak hair and promoting hair growth.

6. Rosemary is another herbal remedy for hair loss that can be used in oil for massaging the scalp and stimulating hair growth.

7. Saw Palmetto can be used to block the hormone DHT, which is part of the cause of hair loss. Saw Palmetto can be used in oils, added to other formulas, or taken internally in capsule form.

8. Ginseng can be used as a stimulant and helps improve circulation. Ginseng can also be used to remove toxins clogging the hair follicles, increasing the chance of healthy hair growth. Like Saw Palmetto, Ginseng can be used as oil, added to other formulas, or taken internally in capsule form.

These are just a few of the many herbal remedies for hair loss. Other herbs used to prevent hair loss or stimulate hair growth include green tea, ginkgo biloba, licorice, nettles, and sage. There are many other herbs that can be used for the prevention and treatment of hair loss in many combinations of shampoos and oils - some even used as teas to stimulate blood flow, thus stimulating the natural growth of hair. As with any treatment, be sure to check with your dermatologist to find the cause of the hair loss so that you can make an informed decision on the right hair loss remedy for you.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Hair Loss: Causes, Prevention & Treatments

Beautiful shining hair is akin to beauty & health. However, many people experience unjustified loss of hair loss, which negatively affects their social life and self perception. Hair loss can be attributed to several reasons including hormone changes, dandruff, exposure to chemicals, side effects of strong medications, side effects of radiation, etc. Sometimes hair loss can be the most visible aspect of some serious diseases, inadequate nutrition, or serious physical conditions.

Causes of Hair Loss

Stress & associated hormone changes
Side effects of some medicines
Ill health of liver, kidney and other internal organs
Dandruff & other skin diseases
Incomplete nutrition – lack of proteins, minerals (like zinc) & vitamins
Exposure to chemicals
Excess use of shampoo, soap
Application of too much or too little oil

Kinds of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be classified into different kinds according to the nature of hair loss.

Alopecia areata is characterized by loss of hair in circles. This is mainly induced by stress and mental trauma. Certain physical conditions like Systematic Lupas Erythematosus (SLE) can also be a cause of this condition.

Alopecia totalis is characterized by total loss of hair from the head, leaving behind a bald head and even barren eyebrows. The skin of head turns smooth.

Diffuse alopecia condition has unhealthy, thin and short hair.

Trichotillomania is another condition, prevalent among children, characterized by the children pulling their hair and eating it. Children do this without their conscious knowledge and the hair they eat can remain in the stomach as a ball of hair, leading to pain.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss found among men. This is caused by excess activity of androgen, a hormone. Women too can suffer from this problem.

Holistic Food to Prevent Hair Loss

Every nutrient that helps in normal body functioning is also required for proper hair growth. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fat), minerals and vitamins play important roles in body functioning and hair growth as well. Inadequate nutrition also first reflects on the hair.

The Essential Food Items to Take to Prevent Hair Loss

Include in your diet a good mixture of everything listed below. Take a mix of everything in moderation. Curcuma longa, cumin seed, etc are good spices to prepare food. Similarly, gooseberry (Embellica officinale), dried grapes, pea (small green pea), etc also promote good physical health and hair growth.

Green and colored vegetables
Wholegrain rice and wheat
Carbohydrate rich root items – tapioca, sweet potato, etc
Milk and dairy products
Fruits – especially orange, grapes, and other slightly sour fruits

However, the quality of the atmosphere, ground, etc under which the plants grow also affect the quality of the food you take. Food crops grown with excess use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc have very limited quality.

Food Items to Avoid

If you care about your hair and physical health, avoid the following items.

Soft drinks
Fast food
Overly cooked food
Processed food (canned, packaged)

Agreed, these items are good for your tongue. However, what is good for your tongue may not be good for your body, blood and hair.

Hair Care Precautions

Note the following points to take good care of your hair.

Gently dry your hair with a clean towel after bathing
Always use a clean comb
Don't comb wet hair
Don't comb your hair too often
Comb your hair in the direction of its growth and not against it
Don't use shampoos that contain chemicals – better option is natural shampoos prepared from hibiscus leaves, henna, grounded small green pea, etc
Apply enough oil on hair 30 minutes before bathing – coconut oil, sesame oil, etc are enough

Be gentle on your hair. Don't rub your hair violently and use hair dryer sparingly. Shampoos that contain chemicals actively destabilize your hair. You can prepare natural herbal shampoo from materials available from your backyard itself and it is better than any shampoo that you pay big prices for.

Ayurvedic Means of Hair Care and Hair Growth Measures

Ayurveda suggests different hair oils for healthy hair growth. Amalaki (Emblica officinale) is a major component of Ayurvedic hair oils. Massage your scalp with these oils and you can see healthier hair growth.

Treatments for Hair Loss

Allopathy medicine has quite a few treatments for hair loss, which are listed below.

1. Minoxidil – this medicine prescribed for blood pressure is prescribed for hair loss too. Apply the medicine on your scalp. Effectiveness is 10-20%. Hair loss will come back once you stop using the medicine.

2. Finasteride – this medicine usually prescribed for prostrate enlargement is handy treatment against hair loss. Temporary loss of libido and lowered quality of semen are the usual side effects of using this medicine. Women shall not use this, as it can cause the women to give birth to handicapped child.

3. Hair transplantation – hair from one part of the head is transplanted to other parts of scanty hair growth. Strip incision, laser grafting, punch grafts, etc are the main types of hair transplantation treatments. The possibility of hair fall in two-three years and the scars at the areas where hair is taken are to be taken care of.

4. Scalp Reduction – a kind of plastic surgery, where skin of hairless area is removed and the skin from hairy area is stretched. The success depends on hairless area of head and the elasticity of skin.

5. Hairpiece or toupee – wigs are attached to the skin, without being noticed. Can wear and tear in the long run.

In case of hair loss, cure is almost impossible and even prevention is difficult. Put your focus on better physical and mental health than worrying about lost hair. Follow

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Best Vitamins for Hair Loss

You like some people (like myself once) suffer from hair loss for a long time unaware that there is much you can do about it. If you understand what causes hair loss (and itchy weepy scalp), are willing to adjust or add a few things to your diet and hair care regimen, it is possible to have thick shiny healthy hair and a balanced scalp.

We all know that stress takes its toll on our body leading to mineral and vitamin deficiency induced hair loss. Yes - a common sign of stress is hair thinning & hair loss. This can be due to a mineral or vitamin deficiency of which hair loss vitamins nutrients are included.
Female Hair Loss Nutrients- Women Vitamin Deficiency & Thinning Hair:

For women, stress also plays havoc with your hormones affecting us more than men. Female hair loss in women due to a vitamin deficiency is further exacerbated by hormonal changes. Drinking Rasberry leaf tea can help to alleviate this. Other minerals to help restore balance are: Red clover and Black Cohosh (particulary for women over 35).

The more stressful your life, the more important it is that you are taking vitamins, eating a healthy diet and even taking nutrient supplements that will help you in preventing hair loss.

What You Need To Know About Hair Loss Vitamins Nutrients & Which Are the Best Vitamins For Hair Loss?

There are few and they all play a different but important part of cell building processes:

*Vitamin A is an essential vitamin to help you with hair loss and thinning hair. However, be careful not to take over 25,000 IU a day … doing so can be detrimental leading to more hair loss and other problems as will taking any vitamins in large doses.

*Vitamin C and E are two antioxidants vitamins that are important for keeping your hair, looking fuller and shinier, and scalp healthy. You can find Vitamin C in several vegetables and fruit, particularly in citrus fruits.

*Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, deficiencies are associated with an increased production of sebum (oil produced by the hair follicles). However, too much B2 and increased sebum production may result in reduced strength of the hair shaft.

*Vitamin B3, niacin - can produce a skin "flush", an uncomfortable feeing, or "hot flash". If you do decide to take this, take the minimum and see how your body reacts first.

*Sources of B2 are derived from grains, or breads and cereals, meat including poultry, and fish, milk and milk products.

*Niacin (B3) food sources include brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat.

*Sources of B12 include chicken, fish, eggs and milk.

*Vitamin B6, pyridoxine hydrochloride - studies have shown B6 to help with healthy hair growth. B6 is found in brewer's yeast, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolk.

*Vitamin B12

*Vitamin E is known to help with circulation in your scalp area. This is found in various beans, as well as oils.

*Folic acid is known for its importance in healthy cellular activity, proper cell division, and proper hair growth.

*Biotin – aids the body in producing keratin (what hair is largely made from) and as well as preventing hair loss may help prevent graying. Biotin is found in yeast, grains, liver, rice, milk, egg yolk, liver, kidney, soy and barley.

*Inositol – helps to keep hair follicles healthy at the cellular level. Foods rich in inositol are whole grains, yeast, liver, citrus fruits, eggs, rice, and milk. With the addition of inositol, you will be able to promote hair growth beneath the scalp and produce stronger healthier hair.

Obviously including foods rich is these hair vitamins will help to slow hair loss & thicken hair. This combined with a daily intake of a good quality vitamin supplement with high B vitamin content will aid hair growth.

Mineral deficiencies are a commonly overlooked source of hair loss – again stress can cause you to lose minerals just like vitamins, Minerals help our bodies absorb and assimilate vitamins so it is as if important if not more so to ensure you are getting enough minerals. Silica, Zinc and Selenium are all important in building good hair structure. Drinking oatstraw tea is also very good as a hair loss vitamin alternative or to accompany other treatments because it’s loaded with minerals. Other secondary minerals good for hair are Iron, Copper, Manganese, Sulphur, Iodine & Calcium. (Too much copper can cause greying though).
...And lastly, supplement such as saw palmetto and zinc are very helpful for those looking for natural ways to help with hair loss

Saw palmetto is a type of fruit that is legendary in helping to solve problems with baldness and prostate health in the U.S. and throughout Europe.

Zinc is best known to effect hair loss and fingernail growth when deficient in this mineral. Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. Zinc and copper (where there has been a deficiency) have been known to be effective in preventing hair from turning gray.

Taking a liquid mineral supplement is a good way to absorb minerals and using Celtic sea salt instead of usual salt is a very good option. Celtic sea salt contains many more minerals in natural form (and it tastes nicer too).

Brands like Fortisalt are in liquid form so can be sprayed onto food when cooked.
Natural Oils for Hair Growth:

You can use essential oils to help stimulate hair growth such as Lavender, Rosemary and Ginger.

An alternative to this is to make your garden remedies like lavender rosemary and ginger boiled in a saucepan with water then applied to your scalp daily. This “detoxes” your scalp and stimulates follicles. You can use this in conjunction with taking a supplement.

Some shampoos contain Sodium Laureth Sulphate – an aggressive foaming agent which can corrode hair follicles and cause scalp rashes and/or dandruff. So be wary of shampoos claiming to grow hair. Make sure they don’t contain ingredients to counteract the good they do.

Lastly there are hair growth shampoos like HairGenesis or Revivogen (more for men than women) to help regrow hair. I have done research on these – and both show great results. Hair Genesis is very effective in my opinion because it tackles hair growth from several angles giving you the highest likelihood of success.

Learn more about what causes hair loss, dandruff and other scalp conditions plus the secrets to “Beautiful Hair & Healthy Scalp” here

Its really not that hard to give your hair a boost and a kick start in growing back thicker and healthier. By understanding what environmental factors (like shampoo ingredients) cause follicle damage and what you can do both externally (natural oils) and internally (diet and supplementation) you can regrow your hair.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

New Items: Bohyme Pre-Tipped Hair Extensions

Sunny's Hair & Wigs is excited to unveil Bohyme's latest offering of pre-tipped hair extensions.

Bohyme Tips allows you to have the name you trust in Remy hair for your strand by strand extensions. Bohyme tips is made of 100% Remy hair in a variety of dimensional colors in three tips, U tip, I tip and V tip.

Bohyme tips is available in the following textures: Silky Straight, Body Wave, Egyptian Wave and Saharian Smooth.

The V Tip is an exciting addition to Sunnyshair.com. V Tip allows for flat invisible extensions that are most similar to So Cap Hair Extensions.

We are finding that most people need 6-8 bags for a complete head of hair extension. A lot of stylists are reporting to us that they love using Bohyme tips for highlights and usually only need two packs to create a nice color weave on top.

Please note that Bohyme tips are only available online.

Looks we love!!! Ellen Pompeo showcasing wigs

Allure Covergirl, Ellen Pompeo graces the magazine with a layout featuring wigs. Sunny's Hair and Wigs know the transforming power of wigs and so we say kudos!

Can't wait to see Pompeo as Meredith on Grey's Anatomy!!

Get your Fave Celeb Looks with Hair Extensions and Wigs

Posh Spice: At it again
We love her. We wait on her to dictate what we wigs we will carry. So after months of looking at the various versions of the same Posh Spice bob we were exhilarated with her new cut. Especially because we already carry several versions of her Mia Farrow inspired pixie cut.

How to get her look: Sensationnel A028 Wig...retails for $24.99
Baby by Signature Wigs: $32.99 available at all Sunny's Hair and Wigs Retail locations.

Blake Lively: Gossip Girl Gorgeous
Another girl we love. Loose and tousled blond hair that is simply gorgeous.

How to get her look: We recommend Bohyme Silky Straight (prices begin at $99 & up) hair or Bohyme Soft Wave . To get Blake's sun-kissed golden blond dimension we would go with colors 24/613, 10/16 or 14/24. If you use Bohyme Silky Straight then use a lightweight leave in conditioner and braid your hair uneven braids. Let them dry and voila...loose tousled waves. Or alternatively, skip the braids and get Bohyme Soft Wave which is lightly processed to have that ever so casual wave we love.

Kerry Washington: We love love love her! She's smart, talented and stylish. Her hair is always soft and tousled yet elegantly styled.

How to get her look: Two words: Indian Hair. We recommend 6 ounces of Indian Natural Wave 14" this retails at $112 & up and is sold online and at all Sunny's Locations. To achieve Kerry's look we suggest sewing in the Natural Wave Indian Hair with a standard u-shaped pattern leaving out the perimeter around the edges and crown. We would pin curl the hair with a large barrel iron and set in pins until they thoroughly cooled (a key tip for styling hair extensions).

Kim Kardashian: She's a known hair extensions fanatic and we are known Kim Kardashian fanatics. Long, gorgeous dark hair looks even better with more long and gorgeous dark hair. We have heard that she favors pre-tipped extensions in the back to add volume and length.

How to get her look: Bohyme Pre-Tipped Hair Extensions in Silky Straight. This retails for $89.99 & up it is only available online. We would suggest adding about four packs if you already have long hair, more if you need a complete transformation.

Lauren Conrad: The Hills features a bevy of girls who rock hair extensions. We love how Lauren gives her hair a break occasionally but we love it more when she puts them back in.

How to get her look: If you want the flexibility of having hair one day and a cute graduated bob the next then you need our Straight and Smooth Clip In Hair Extensions that retail for $99.99 and is available at all Sunny's locations and online.

Nothing new under the sun!!!

We were delightfully amused to find this on a http://hermenaut.org/

A vintage ad from 1905 selling....Hair Extensions!!!!

Who knew that Parisian Women were rocking human hair extensions!!!

Change you hair ...Change your Life

Monday, 15 September 2008

Hair Loss - Causes and Treatments

One of the most common problems that affect people all around the world is hair loss. Hair loss affects both men and women, though it is generally more common in men. The onset of hair loss can have a debilitating effect on one’s sense of self-image and oftentimes hair loss will coincide with a loss in self-confidence. In order to get the best kind of treatment for hair loss, it is important to separate the myths from the truth and understand the various kinds of hair loss.

Hair loss has been found to be generally more prevalent among males though hair loss in females in not uncommon. The most common form of hair loss is known as androgenic alopecia, which consists of a gradual thinning of the hair, which eventually leads to hair loss. The most extreme form is alopecia universalis where there is total hair loss all over the body. Hair loss is a natural side effect of old age but some men can experience hair loss as early on as during the onset of puberty.

The causes of hair loss are also varied. A popular belief states that hair loss is inherited through the maternal side but the chances of inheriting this trait are 50%. Myths relating to hair loss have been found to range from wearing hats that are too tight to standing on one’s head for too long- these however are myths and nothing more. The actual causes for hair loss are varied- exposure to chemicals; poisons and treatments such as chemotherapy are known to lead to hair loss. Another factor is undue stress, emotional or otherwise, trauma and depression. Certain illnesses also induce hair loss as a symptom. Tumors and various kinds of outgrowths of the skin have also resulted in hair loss. Another very important cause is an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. It has been proven that a sedentary way of life coupled with a diet that is high in fat and calorie intake more often than not results in early hair loss.

Perhaps due to the fact that hair loss is such a common problem, there are a number of remedies that have been on the market for years that help in dealing with hair loss. There is also much research being done using stem cell research and cloning in order to induce hair multiplication. This however it still in its testing stages but does prove that many advancements are being made today in the field of treating hair loss.

The best way to treat the threat of hair loss is to take care of your hair while it is healthy. This includes a proper diet that is low in fatty intake and an exercise regiment that focuses on vigorous aerobic activity on a daily basis. It is also important to clean and nourish the scalp and hair on a regular basis. However some people may require more direct methods to deal with hair loss. There are a number of products available on the market today but before trying any of these out, it is important to know how one should approach any hair loss treatment.

Before embarking on any hair loss treatment, it is important to remember that even if a treatment is successful, it may be some time before any visible results can be seen. In order to minimize the number of mistakes that could affect a successful hair treatment and ensure its success, it is helpful to remember the three principles of hair treatment, otherwise known as the 3 Ps. The first is Proven Treatments- there are a number of questionable hair treatment products available that could have adverse effects.

Always use treatments that are approved and proven to show results. The second is Pictures- take pictures at various stages of the hair treatment in order to gain a better idea of whether the treatment is working and how it is working. The last P is perhaps the most important one and that is Patience. No hair treatment will give any results over night- it can take up to six months for the treatment to start working and almost two years before best results can be seen. It is important to understand that hair growth occurs in cycles and this in turn will affect the time in which a hair treatment will start to show results.

Among the proven and popular forms of hair loss treatment is Minoxidil, also known on the market as Rogaine. Though this has proven to be effective, the hair usually only grows at the top of the head and is thin and light. Another popular hair treatment is Finasteride, otherwise known as Propecia. This also promotes hair growth primarily in the crown area but is not recommended for women who are pregnant or are potentially pregnant.

A number of other methods of hair treatments involve the application of Copper Peptides and Antiandrogens and herbal treatments such as Saw Palmetto. Hair transplants and scalp reductions are some other measures for treating hair loss though they are considerably more expensive and considered more extreme. In the future, hair loss will be able to be treated more effectively than ever using methods like Hair Multiplication, which consists of multiplying existing hair follicles and injecting them into the scalp. This exciting new treatment will induce the growth of healthy hair and is expected to hit the markets on a few years.

Hair loss is not something to be feared- as long as we understand what causes hair loss we can take steps in order to not only stop hair loss but also to induce the growth of new hair. With the right treatments and a little patience, hair loss can quickly become a thing of the past.

Friday, 12 September 2008

The Right Shampoos For Hair Loss Treatment

Did you know that nearly 30 million people around the world suffer from hair loss? That's why this is considered to be a billion dollar industry because both men and women feel social embarrassment. Even though thousands of hair loss products are available on the market, hair loss shampoo is the widely used product.

Hair loss is very often heritable. It may also occur due to aging or hormonal imbalance. Since hair loss is heritable, it may be from your father's side or mother's side. There is a common view that the hair loss is mainly from mother's side but it is not true. Different hair loss treatments are available for different hair loss patterns. One among them is hair loss shampoo.

Many people suffering from hair loss are using hair loss shampoo, because it is the easiest way of treating hair loss. But in a lot of cases not the best! There are numerous varieties of hair loss shampoos available in drugstores.

One among them is Dr.Proctor's hair loss shampoo, which consists of natural ingredients, no chemicals are added. Statistics show that this product is the favorite hair loss shampoo. The second most popular hair loss shampoo is called Life

Extension Shampoo.
Other commonly used hair loss shampoos are Viviscal, Hair Genesis, Thymuskin, Revivogen, nisim, and Tricomin. A research study confirms that Thymuskin hair loss shampoo is 95% effective in female and 67% in the male pattern baldness. Viviscal shampoo is also very popular. It treats thinning hair, hair loss, and proclaims overall health of the hair.

Viviscal is also available as tablets, scalp lotion and conditioner apart from hair loss shampoo. Viviscal is extracted from marine, which provides the essential amino acids to the hair follicle to keep it healthier.

Hair Genesis is not only available as hair loss shampoo, but also as an oral supplement, topical serum, and conditioner. This natural hair loss product helps to block the DHT by using the botanical DHT blockers to impede hair loss. It has to be used for at least 3 months before any positive effect is seen as a result of this treatment.

How does a hair loss shampoo work? Hair loss shampoo cleans the hair follicle from debris, dirt, oil, and other wastes. These hair loss shampoos have thymus peptides that will diffuse deep into the hair follicles to remove the adhered dirt.

Hair Renew is one of the hair loss shampoos that are specially made for women. This hair loss shampoo cleanses the scalp, neutralizes the DHT in the scalp and also nourishes the hair follicles. DHT in the hair follicles blocks the available nutrients to the hair follicle which results in hair loss.

Be careful in selecting a hair loss shampoo, because some shampoos may harm your hair and may even provoke more hair loss than preventing it.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Halloween Wigs have arrived!!!

It's that time of year again. We at Sunny's are pulling out pink mohawk wigs, afro wigs, cher wigs and of course the eyelashes. Are you ready? Well we are at Sunny's we are officially geared up for Halloween.

Stop by our Atlanta, Minneapolis, Arizona or Las Vegas locations to select your Halloween wigs today!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

New Product Arrival: Sapphire Pre-Tipped Hair Extensions in Yaki 18"

Sapphire Collection has expanded to new lengths. After repeated request for longer lengths we are introducing Sapphire Collection Pre-Tipped Hair Extension Yaki 18" in color 1B only.

Price $139.99 for 150 pieces. Sapphire Pre-Tipped Hair Extensions in Yaki is only available online and not at retail Sunny's locations.

Click to Purchase Sapphire Yaki 18" now!

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Sunny's Celebrity Spotlight

Initially, Sunny’s wanted to focus on the issue of making the “wrongs” right, turning poorly done hair into a how-to using our products. Unfortunately, we didn’t find enough wrong. We were inspired on this topic by Tyra Banks and the mermaid crimp that hit AOL and other sites followed by a smattering of not-so-nice commentary about the style. Truth is, Tyra’s hair wasn’t all bad, just wave-happy and fantastical.

What went wrong: Uniform texture, a too-tight crimp and a center part make the hair untouchable.
Make it right: Check out Bohyme French Refined for a softer crimp, or Bohyme Deep Wave for the uniform pattern.

Unfortunately, we think Shakira is all natural in all ways, including that rockin’ dancers’ body. To get her soft spirals, get Virgin Indian Natural Curl in 18 or 22 inches. Now that you’ve got the curl, the color is up to you.

Kate is an excellent example of a naturally blended highlight with perfect pin curl waves. Bohyme Body Wave has a loose pin curl to it and Bohyme Body Wave comes in a variety of blended colors. While we can give you the hair, we can’t give you thehttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif makeup or the rockstar boyfriend.

Liv has good days and bad days, so much so that we’re convinced she’s just like us, and not all of the hair on her head is hers. Clip In Hair Extensions in silky straight or bodywave (insert linhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifk) in 18 inches should do the trick, making you movie premiere ready in no time, even if you’re just going to Blockbuster.

Bai Ling has got envious length, and of course Sunny’s is here to help you cure that green eye. Indian Natural Straightand Bohyme Silky Straight can achieve this effect, but any length in any soft wave texture of your choosing will work just as well.

Look hot, be you, have fun! Change your hair… Change your life!

Article courtesy of Jennifer

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Spotlight on Sunnys: Jennifer Hudson

Check out this month's issue of Upscale Magazine. Two exciting things! One, Jennifer Hudson looks gorgeous on the cover and four page layout. She is wearing one of Bobbi Boss Wigs styled by Elijah Cohen. Elijah used this Human Hair wig courtesy of Sunny's Hair and Wigs Atlanta to give Jennifer Hudson the ultimate Southern Belle feel. He brilliantly added Clip-in Extensions to add extra volume to complete her luscious and glamorous look.

Two! Check out the feature story on Sunny's Hair and Wigs Atlanta location as the pre-eminent destination for Indian Hair, Designer Wigs and Bohyme in Atlanta, GA.

Pick up the September Issue of Upscale Magazine available on newsstands now.